As usual I was bored one day and thought I'd go through some random reddit threads . This is when I discovered a treasure trove of threads listed under "
Parents of Reddit, what is the creepiest thing your young child has ever said to you? " I read through the whole list and thought to myself : I'm definitly reposting a few of em to by blog. So here goes - (the ones that made my skin crawl a bit or have goosebumps or which made me laugh , despite being creepy ) :
1.When I was about 4, I would remember talking to "Mr.Peterson" whenever I was at my grandmothers house. He looked like a hobo from the great depression and had a guitar and sang me old timey blues, he told me that he died when he fell of a train he was riding whist drunk on moonshine. I stopped seeing him when I was about 6.
Anyway, 6 months ago I found my dads old acoustic guitar and started playing, and my little cousin told me "Mr.Peterson is proud of you!" And left.
I dont know what to think
2. My wife was getting my 2yr old son up one morning. He was standing in his bed/crib. As she said good morning and walked over to him he picked up her shirt a little and crooked his head to the side. She asked him what he was doing and he said, "looking for my baby sister in your tummy." She laughed it off as a weird kid imagination thing. We found out later that at the time she was 2 weeks pregnant and it was, in fact, a girl. We are due in September. We had never really had the talk about where babies come from nor did we talk about having another child at all around him. So spooky.
3. "Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn't!"
He was maybe 5 or 6 years old? It was totally out of the blue..
4. When I was about 4-5 I tried to dress up as Batman using stuff from our pantry. I used my Mum's leather jacket that reached the floor on me, some black boots and a ski mask with an open face that kinda drooped down over my eyes.
So, I went into my Mum's room to wake her up and show her my cool outfit. (At this age I thought to wake people up, you open their eyes, people who are awake have their eyes open, right?). I then tried to open my mum's eyes by pushing her eyelids back. She woke up in a poorly lit room to a three foot thing wearing all black, with no visible legs and a ski mask poking her in her eyes (I can't imagine the horror). She jumped away screaming until she realised it was me, we then burst out laughing.
I'd actually forgotten about this story until I saw this thread. I'm sure my Mum hasn't though.
5. My daughter said to me that there is a woman who watches her watch movies in her room and sleeps on the ceiling above her bed when she sleeps. she also says it dose not like me and wants to eat my heart. my kid watches elmo and fucking dinosaur train. where in the hell did she get this from?
6. When my little sister was younger she used to walk around the house with a picture frame with a picture of my great grandpa in her hands crying and saying "I miss you Harvey." Harvey had died before even I was born. Other than this common occurrence my mom told me that she would constantly say things that my great grandma Lucy would say.
7. I have a three year old who says some pretty strange stuff....
Last night: "Mommy.. the man, the very big man with big yellow eyes is looking at you."
I look.. nothing. I tell him there is no man and he is make-believe. My son laughs, "Oh he is hiding now." --- 2 minutes later, "Oh no Mommy, you made him very mad. Now he says he will come when you are sleeping."
Few weeks ago he tells me, "I'm not going to be four. I'm doing to die. And you will put me down, down, down in the hole." I tell him that isn't true, and who told him that. He gets quiet and goes, "The man told me. But I will be scared, so after three night-nights you die too and come with me."
Sheesh. As if I didn't have bad dreams already.
8. I have a similar story. Well, not in the way but in the afterlife sense.
Between the ages of two and six my son would tell me the same story of how he picked me to be his mother. He said something about being with a man in a suit and picking a mother that would help him accomplish his souls mission (I'm atheist, so we didn't discuss spirituality at that point, nor was he raised in any sort of religious environment). The way he described it was that it was similar to grocery shopping, that he was in a bright room with people who were lined up like dolls, and that he picked me. The man in the suit asked him if he was sure, he replied that he was, and then he was born.
My son also had an early fascination with WWII era planes. He could identify them, their parts, what region they were used in and the like. I still have no idea where he got that information. I'm a science gal, his dad is a math guy.
We have always called him "Grandpa" because of his peaceful and gingerly demeanor. This kid seriously has an old soul.
9. We got my little sister a puppy over Christmas break. We waited till she was asleep, then went to pick up the puppy. So, the next day she woke up, and when she saw the dog, instead of going all googly-eyed and happy, she said, "my baby! It's not time for you yet!" And tried to pick up the dog and shove it in her mouth.
10. When my oldest was about 3 years old I had a really weird dream where an alien was trying to take my son. I was lying in bed watching this alien take him by the hand and started taking off towards the window. When I went to scream I woke up. Here is the creepy part....I wake up to find my 3 year old turning on the night light in our room. He turns to look at me and says "oh, its ok mommy. The alien is gone." .....I didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
11. We recently moved into a new house. My daughter's room has a closet that is down a narrow little hallway. I woke up one morning after having lived there for like a week, and my daughter isn't in her bed. No biggie, she's downstairs. Nope. I looked everywhere for her and nothing. I went back to her room and called to her, "Are you in here?"
"DON'T COME IN HERE!!!" from the closet. I went and looked down the little hallway but couldn't see her, as she was inside and to the left.
" Please come out."
"What are you doing in there, Kaitlyn?"
I noped right out of there for a second because I was pretty freaked out. I went and got my wife out of bed. Wife came in and checked on her. Turns out, she was in there putting on a Strawberry Shortcake costume to surprise me and didn't want me to see before she got it on.
Freaked me right the fuck out.
TL;DR Daughter acted possessed from inside a dark closet.
**yeah guys, he got his WIFE to check on their supposedly possessed kid.. men!! sigh.. lol!!! **
12. About a year ago my daughter (who was about 3 years old at the time) started screaming around 2 AM. I could tell by the sound of her voice that something wasn't right. I was still very groggy and half asleep but still managed to rush down the hall and into her room without turning any of the lights on so I wouldn't wake her brother up. I go over to her bed and hear her screaming like crazy right in front of me but I pull back the covers and she isn't there. Because of how early it was and how quickly all this was happening, my brain is having a really hard time processing the situation. I could hear her RIGHT in front of me but I can clearly see she isn't there. I turn the light on and still can't find her. Meanwhile, she is getting more freaked out because she can hear me and can tell I can't find her either. After what felt like minutes, I finally realized she had fallen out of bed, rolled underneath it, and had freaked out because she couldn't move and couldn't tell where she was. I can still remember that moment of sheer panic I felt when I pulled back the covers and she wasn't there, while still hearing the scream coming "from" her bed.